
inspired by the iconic Pudgy Penguins and crypto excitement, aims to democratize token ownership. It's a token for everyone, making joining the thrilling crypto adventure accessible regardless of budget.

CA: 0xF358725601c3E68b086D19C4898a82D1BDe18428 Buy on Uniswap
  • 0%

    Developer Holdings

    In response to community concerns about the 30% reserve, we took a bold step – we burned it all. Our development wallet now holds 0% of the supply, showcasing our commitment to transparency and trust.

  • 200K+

    Market Cap

    $Pudgy has achieved an astounding market cap of over 200K in less than a day, demonstrating rapid community growth and confidence in our vision. This swift milestone heralds the burgeoning potential of $Pudgy in the crypto landscape.

  • 500+

    Unique Owners

    $Pudgy boasts a diverse and growing community, with even the largest whale holding no more than 2.23% of the total supply—a clear sign of our commitment to decentralization and equality.

Live Chart


Check out our ambitious plans: as we go, we’ll tick the points until we’re there. What next?

  • 1 Token launch
  • 2 Locking LP, renouncing contract
  • 3 All developer tokens burned
  • 4 Telegram & Website launch
  • 5 $Pudgy ?????????
  • 6 Moon

Let’s Make History Together with $Pudgy! 🔥🚀
Join us on this exciting journey. Because with $Pudgy, everyone's invited.

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